About Adopt-A-Street (City of Columbia)

Become an Adopt-A-Street (AAS) Group in the City of Columbia Today

…and help beautify the Midlands!

The Adopt-A-Street program is available in the City of Columbia only and is operated in partnership with the City of Columbia Public Works Department. Volunteer teams adopt a section of street for a minimum of two years and agree to remove litter from their selected area at least four times each year. We provide all materials at no charge and the City installs signs on the street to recognize your group’s efforts. Many groups have worked with us for eight, fifteen, or even 30 years!

How to Get Started

  1. Gather a group of two or more people.

    • Group leaders must be at least 18 and group members must be at least 13 years old.
  2. Select a section of city-maintained street to adopt from the list below.

  3. Have the Group Leader complete the 15-minute online Safety and Orientation Training available here.
  4. Send this AAS Agreement Form to Keep the Midlands Beautiful

    • by email to programs@kmbsc.org
    • by mail to KMB, 1305 Augusta Rd., West Columbia, SC 29169
  5. Watch your email (and spam folder) for approval which typically takes a few weeks.
  6. Encourage all of your group members to sign up for our electronic newsletter submitted every other month by

    7. We will ask the City of Columbia to install your group’s signs after you have submitted two report cards.

Program Requirements

  1. Remove litter from your adopted street at least FOUR times each year.
  2. Submit this Report Card after each litter cleanup. This helps to ensure that we continue to receive crucial funding so that we can continue to provide litter removal supplies at no charge for over 6,000 volunteers each year.

How to Participate

  1. Choose your dates.
    • If you conduct cleanups on the four weekends designated by us, the bags and bulk items you collect will be removed from the roadside by the City of Columbia.

    • If you choose to conduct cleanups on different dates, your group is responsible for properly disposing of the litter you collect.
  2. Request supplies.
    • Submit requests at least one week in advance using this Supply Request Form. KMB provides litter grabbers, safety vests, cloth gloves, bags, and safety signs at no cost. However, you may be charged for the cost of supplies not returned.
  3. Pick up supplies from our office.
    • Supply kits are labeled with your group name and are placed on our porch at 1305 Augusta Rd., West Columbia, SC 29169. Pick them up 24-hours a day.
    • Our office is a small, red brick house converted into an office with a driveway that goes around the building. Please do not block the driveway. Park to the side of the brick driveway or in the backyard.
    • Supplies may also be purchased from KMB at cost and additional large quantities of free bags may be requested as needed.
    • You may also use your own WHITE trash bags.
  4. Conduct your litter pick-up.
    • ALL participants must sign a waiver one time prior to participating in a cleanup (i.e. not prior to every cleanup). Return all waivers to KMB.
    • Review safety procedures prior to every cleanup using the tip sheet provided with your supplies.
  5. Email photos of your group (faces, group photos, and people in front of your sign are best) to programs@kmbsc.org if we can use them.
  6. Submit a short report card after each pick-up to document the number of volunteers, hours spent and the number of bags of litter collected. The Report Card is required in return for use of our free supplies and helps to ensure that we receive crucial funding.
  7. Return all supplies to the KMB office porch within one week of each pick-up so that they may be used by other groups for one-time cleanups. Separate clean from dirty items and be sure everything is still labeled with your group name.