Community Service

Keep the Midlands Beautiful works with your schedule to provide community service hours…

  • For youth and adults
  • For voluntary and court-ordered programs

Adults over 18 may…

  • Remove litter from public spaces on their own time but must…
    • Make an appointment for a 10-minute orientation at our office before starting;
    • Provide a $50 cash deposit for use of supplies (litter grabber, safety vest, cloth gloves, bags);
    • Text KMB staff with your location before and after each cleanup;
    • Submit before and after photos of the areas cleaned;
    • Properly dispose of all litter collected.
  • Participate in our Spotless Service Saturdays and Lake Sweep / River Sweep events WITH adult supervision/participation.
  • Assist with our Spotless Service Saturdays and Lake Sweep / River Sweep events IF we need assistance.
  • Assist at paper shredding drop-off events in Richland County
    • Unloading boxes and bags of paper from vehicles
    • Directing traffic

Youth under 18 must be supervised by our staff at all times and may…

  • Assist at paper shredding drop-off events
    • Unloading boxes and bags of paper from vehicles
    • Directing traffic
  • Participate in our Spotless Service Saturdays and Lake Sweep / River Sweep events
  • Provide assistance at our office (when we have enough work available)
    • Folding vests and gloves
    • Packing supply kits
    • Pairing shoes in the spring

For additional information or to make an appointment…

  • Contact Alexcia (Lexy) Johnson, at (803) 733-1139 or