Environmental Education


In an effort to accomplish our goals of…

  • Reducing litter
  • Increasing recycling, and
  • Enhancing beautification

…in Lexington and Richland counties, we provide environmental education for children, residents, and businesses.


Green Step Schools Program

Our staff serve as mentors for the Green Step Schools program, a statewide program for schools, which helps students and staff to LEARN, DO and TEACH others while completing sustainability projects in CONSERVE, PROTECT, and RESTORE categories. Click here to learn more about this program.

Presentations and Tabling Events

We welcome the opportunity to present information about our organization (the programs we offer and how to get involved) or about how and where to recycle to groups of any type and size. To request a presentation, please send an email to programs@kmbsc.org or call (803) 733-2526 with the following information:

  • Name of Contact
  • Contact Information (email and phone number)
  • Name of Group/Organization
  • Date of Event
  • Time of Event
  • How Long We Should Plan to Speak
  • Type of Event (presentation or tabling event)
  • Number of People to Expect
  • Location
  • Preferred Topic (KMB or recycling)


We welcome the opportunity to provide interviews. Please email programs@kmbsc.org or call (803) 733-1139 to request an interview.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Class

Each year we work with PalmettoPride to offer a FREE two-day class on how and why to maintain properties (both commercial and residential) and make them more attractive in order to make them less attractive to criminals. This class is particularly popular with architects and law enforcement but is open to all business owners and the general public. This class normally costs over $600 but is free to anyone in any county. Registration is required. To ensure you receive information, sign up for our electronic newsletter, distributed every other month.

Educational Campaigns

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn to learn more about how to recycle correctly and watch for our billboards.

keep the midlands beautiful in the news