About One-Time Cleanups
Conduct a One-Time-Cleanup (OTC)
…to help make our community a healthier, happier, safer, and more attractive place for all of us to live, work and play!
We’ll provide all of the supplies and we can recommend a location if needed. All you need is a group of enthusiastic people and a way to dispose of the litter you collect.
How to Conduct a OTC
- Gather a group of two or more people.
- One is acceptable but two or more is safer and preferred.
- If the cleanup will take place on a roadway, children must be at least 13 and must be accompanied by an adult.
- If the cleanup will take place on a waterway, children of all ages may participate but must be supervised by an adult.
- Select a location.
- For a list of heavily littered roads, see this list of Litter Hot Spots.
- For a list of unadopted roadways, see the Adopt-A-Highway page.
- For a list of unadopted streets in Columbia, see the Adopt-A-Street page.
- For a list of unadopted waterways, see the Adopt-A-Waterway page.
- Develop a plan to remove and dispose of your bags of litter (and recyclables if applicable). KMB is not able to pick up bags from one-time clean-ups.
- For information on where to take bags of trash in Lexington County, see the Lexington County Solid Waste Management Website.
- In Richland County, call the Ombudsman’s Office at 803-929-6000 to ask if they are able to collect the bags for you.
- In both counties, you may be able to ask permission, in advance, from a nearby business to place the bags of litter in their dumpster.
- Some groups take the bags home (a few each) and place them in their curbside bins. We are happy to provide your group with tarps to help with this.
- Complete this Supply Request form at least one week in advance.
- NOTE: If you are requesting supplies for 20 or more people, you must provide credit card information over the phone to guarantee the safe return of all supplies. Call (803) 733-1139 Monday – Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. BEFORE supplies are needed.
5. Pick up supplies from the KMB office located at 1305 Augusta Rd, West Columbia, SC 29169.
- Supplies are provided at no charge.
- KMB will provide litter grabbers, cloth gloves, safety vests, trash bags, recycling bags, and slow down signs. Tarps can also be provided if needed.
6. Complete your cleanup! Ensure that you stay safe by following these Safety Guidelines.
7. Return all your supplies and any leftover bags to KMB’s porch within one week after your cleanup.
- If you prefer, you may purchase supplies KMB (at our cost) or elsewhere.
8. Report your results using this Report Card.
- In return for the use of our free supplies, you are required to report the number of people, how long you spent removing litter, how many bags you collected, and the area you cleaned. We provide this information to our sponsors to help ensure that we can continue to provide free supplies.
9. E-mail photos of your team to programs@kmbsc.org. Photos sent to KMB may be used on KMB’s website, social media pages, in brochures, etc.